
Please download your free patient education materials below

Download our free resources which are designed to facilitate your patient education. Use them in your office to inform your patient about their treatment or share them with your patient via email.

English (Global)
The Chairside Navigator - Understanding your Regenerative Treatment
Dental Implants - New Smile. New Confidence. New You.
English (Australia / New Zealand)
The Chairside Navigator - Understanding your Regenerative Treatment
Dental Implants - New Smile. New Confidence. New You.
English (United Kingdom)
The Chairside Navigator - Understanding your Regenerative Treatment
Dental Implants - New Smile. New Confidence. New You.
English (India)
The Chairside Navigator - Understanding your Regenerative Treatment
Dental Implants - New Smile. New Confidence. New You.
Patienteninformation Gewebeerhalt nach Zahnentfernung - Zahn raus – was nun?
Knochenaufbau für Zahnimplantate - Strahlendes Lächeln für ein neues Selbstvertrauen.
Guía visual para utilizar con el paciente en el sillón “El instructor práctico”
Implantes dentales - Nueva sonrisa. Nueva confianza. Un nuevo tú.
The Chairside Navigator - Comprendre le traitement régénératif que vous propose votre praticien
Implants dentaires - Un nouveau sourire. Une nouvelle assurance. Un(e) autre vous.
La guida clinica per l’odontoiatra - Come comunicare con il paziente il trattamento rigenerativo?
Impianti dentali - Un nuovo sorriso. Una nuova fiducia. Una nuova persona.
Na cadeira do dentista - Entendendo seu tratamento regenerativo
Implantes dentários - Novo sorriso. Nova confiança. Novo você.
Chairside Navigator - 재생 치료에 대한 이해
치아 임플란트 - 새로운 미소, 새로운 자신감으로 새로운 나를 만나보세요.

(C) Geistlich Pharma AG, Switzerland. All rights reserved.